布商大厦管弦乐团(Gewandhausorchester Leipzig)是世界上历史最悠久的市民交响乐团,由16位音乐慈善家于1743年创立,包括贵族和市民。1781年,乐团搬到了纺织商贸易公司的上层大厅,并搬到了第一个真正的音乐厅,同时命名为布商大厦。1881年,莱比锡市议会颁布了立法,为布商大厦管弦乐团的所有音乐家提供社会保障,同时正式规定乐团有义务从此在教堂、音乐会和歌剧中服务。从那时起,布商大厦、歌剧院和圣托马斯教堂就共用一个管弦乐队:布商大厦管弦乐团。乐团现有175名全职乐手,是当今世界人数最多的专业管弦乐团之一。以其丰富的历史、高度个性化、温暖、黑暗的声音调色板、精湛的演奏技巧、丰富的曲目和独特的音响效果而闻名于世、备受推崇,被认为是德国最具代表性的交响乐团之一。乐团每年有近300场演出,它的音乐厅(Gewandhaus)是莱比锡市的重要文化地标之一。布商大厦管弦乐团音乐厅
乐团历史悠久,菲利克斯·门德尔松(Felix Mendelssohn)在1835年成为乐团的音乐总监,传统头衔为布商大厦指挥(Gewandhauskapellmeister),一直担任该职位直至1847年去世。与乐团的合作过的指挥大师或伟大作曲家包括:弗里德里希·韦伯(Friedrich Weibert)、阿图尔·尼基什(Arthur Nikisch)、威廉·富特文格勒(Wilhelm Furtwängler)、赫伯特·布隆斯泰特(Herbert Blomstedt)等。目前,乐团的首席指挥是安德里斯·尼尔森斯(Andris Nelsons)。
(Andris Nelsons)
The earliest roots of the Gewandhausorchester can be traced as far back as 1479. In this year Leipzig City Council appointed three musicians - Kunstpfeifer ('artistic pipers') - as municipal employees. This small ensemble remained in civic service until 1840, by which time their number had increased to seven. The musicians played a central role in Leipzig's cultural life, performing at functions in the City Hall, providing the musical accompaniment for services in the city's churches and participating in theatre productions, as well as forming a part of the orchestra of the Große Concerte ('Grand Concerts').
The ensemble of the Große Concerte: a half student orchestraThe concert enterprise Großes Concert was founded in 1743 by a society comprising both nobility and regular citizens alike - the first venture of its kind in Leipzig. The original Große Musicalische Concerte were held in the more spacious of homes of Leipzig society. The concerts' popularity soon, however, necessitated the hire of a hall in the hostelry Zu den drei Schwanen. For over thirty years, this inn played host to those citizens of Leipzig who could afford the society's substantial annual membership fee, from which the musicians were renumerated. The original orchestra comprised sixteen musicians, half of whom were professionals (including the Kunstpfeifer), half students at the city's university.
The year 1766 saw the opening of the nearby Komödienhaus ('Comedy House'). The theatre employed no musicians and ensemble of its own, rather hosting itinerant theatrical and operatic troupes for which the Stadtmusiker (the City Musicians) were engaged as orchestra. As time passed and the demands of the theatrical productions increased, the orchestra was to be ever more frequently bolstered by the musicians of the Große Concerte. So began the gradual symbiosis of Leipzig's concert and theatre orchestras.
The Orchestra is granted its robes: the city's textile merchants play hostAt this time, the Gewandhaus (Gewand = robe), the trading house of the city's textile merchants, had no use for a substantial part of the upper floor of the building. On the initiative of the mayor, this space was converted into a concert hall. In November 1781, the first Gewandhauskonzert took place. The audience consisted of the members of the society which had promoted the concerts in the inn; the 32-man orchestra comprised the musicians who had given the Große Concerte, the majority of whom were, by this time, also employed regularly by the theatre. The orchestra of these Gewandhaus Concerts, therefore, soon became known as the 'Gewandhaus and Theatre Orchestra'.
In 1789, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart travelled to Leipzig in order to give a concert in the Gewandhaus. By this time, the hall was well established as the centre of Leipzig's concert life and would remain so for the subsequent 100 years. The nine symphonies of Ludwig van Beethoven received their first performance as a complete cycle worldwide during the composer's lifetime in the 1825/26 season. Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy's celebrated tenure as Gewandhauskapellmeister (conductor and music director of the Gewandhausorchester) began in 1835. His Scottish Symphony and Violin Concerto in E minor were both premiered in the Gewandhaus. Mendelssohn also conducted the first performances of symphonies of Robert Schumann and of Franz Schubert's C major Symphony The Great. In later years, both Richard Wagner's Meistersinger Prelude (1862) and Johannes Brahms’ Violin Concerto (1879) received their world premieres in the Gewandhaus, conducted in both cases by the composers themselves. 本站仅提供存储服务,所有内容均由用户发布,如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击举报。- 上一篇:城市美容师“错峰回家”,守护靓丽家园
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